Software adaptation in Koblenz in Sep --- Summer School
Please spread the message. Looking forward the 1st ADAPT Summer School. Regards, PF CALL FOR PARTICIPATION : ADAPT 2010 1st ADAPT Summer School September 26 - October 2, 2010, Koblenz, Germany Software adaptation is a topic that crosscuts much of software engineering, programming languages, information systems, formal methods, and other major areas of computer science. The CS department at the University of Koblenz-Landau engages in a research focus on software adaptation, and thereby connects scientists and teams in classical areas of computer science as much as application areas such as web-based systems, SOA, mobile systems, and robotics. ADAPT 2010 is the first edition in a series of summer schools on software adaptation. The program of ADAPT 2010 appeals to PhD students and possibly specialized Master's students in computer science.