
Showing posts from October, 2013
With two friends, I participated in a "Dinner for one" online quiz last night. Quite proud of our combined insight. Urkunde: Auswertung für den Test Dinner for one Super! Sie wissen was Miss Sophie und James jedes Jahr tun! Sie haben 10 von 10 Aufgaben richtig beantwortet. Im Durchschnitt haben die 1912 Surfer, die das Quiz gemacht haben, 6.77 richtige Antworten gegeben.   Auch das Quiz Dinner for one spielen?

Undergraduate reading material on SLE

What is SLE? You can shop around for definition attempts. ... on the websites of SLE conference series . ... in the guest editors' introduction to the IEEE TOSEM 2009 special issue on SLE . As a matter of fact, we don't have a proper, generally accepted and adopted definition. This indeed also showed at last year's SLEBOK workshop at SLE 2012. There is quite a few people (including me) who think that this needs to be fixed. On a related account, it is not even particularly clear what the core or extended set of SLE concepts would be. This makes it hard to properly cover the subject in teaching. I somehow have managed in my SLE class, but I do not claim to be very consistent and palatable as to the use of terminology (ontology) in the course. This semester's edition of my SLE course will feature reading (and corresponding presentations and discussions by the students) with one reading slot focused on basic SLE literature. I have started to collect a richly an...