Grammar-based Testing Revisited
I am about to leave for Southampton ( this is from where the Titanic started ) for a few days to visit Dr. Bernd Fischer , who also calls himself Fish. (Another fish that is!) The idea is to give a talk and have interaction on the topic of grammar-based testing. In fact, I don't tell you any secret, if I say that Bernd is the expert on code generation, and so I am keen to intensify collaboration on that topic as well. The talk announcement follows. Speaker : Ralf Lämmel , Software Languages Team, Universität Koblenz-Landau Title : Grammar-based Testing Revisited Slides : [.pdf] Abstract : Testing grammar-based artifacts has been researched for decades. A classical and enduring motivation for such testing is that grammar-based functionality (such as an interpreter or a compiler) may be formally specified (e.g., by means of an attribute grammar) so that the specification lends itself to test-data generation. The test data, in turn, can be used to test a proper implementation for com...