
Showing posts from February, 2012

More of a discussion on web privacy

I had the pleasure to give a talk today on web privacy and P3P at Ecole des Mines de Nantes in the ASCOLA research team by kind invitation of Mario Südholt . The hidden agenda was to promote our empirical research on P3P but we also agreed upfront to attempt a more general discussion of web privacy. So you find little empirical stuff in the early parts of the slide deck. Title: More of a discussion on web privacy Abstract: The presentation begins with observations about the current state of web privacy on the internet today. The presentation continues to set up some challenges for web privacy to be addressed in practice, subject to contributions by CS research. The technical core of the presentation is a language engineer's approach to understanding W3C's P3P language for privacy policies of web-based systems. Discussion during and after the talk is strongly appreciated. Acknowledgement: This is joint work with Ekaterina Pek, ADAPT Team, University of Koblenz-Land...

MegaL goes Nantes

The Software Languages Team in Koblenz, with potent support by visiting scientist Jean-Marie Favre is getting increasingly excited and knowledgeable about megamodels for software technologies and software products. MegaL is the megamodeling language under development. During upcoming research visits, I expect to present MegaL: its rationale, some applications, and ongoing research. The first presentation of this kind is to take place in Nantes in the AtlanMod team. The talk announcement follows. Title : A megamodel of the ATL model transformation language and toolkit Abstract : According to , " ATL (ATL Transformation Language) is a model transformation language and toolkit. In the field of Model-Driven Engineering (MDE), ATL provides ways to produce a set of target models from a set of source models. " We would like to deeply understand the linguistic architecture of ATL in terms of all the involved software languages, metamodels, technologie...