
Showing posts from 2015

CS intro != Programming intro

Yes, "CS intro != Programming intro". Of course, it is not; maybe it would never occur to you that it could!? Well, in some places, though, the CS 101 ("introduction to CS") course ends up being essentially that, at least for some initial part. In some places (Koblenz included; see my  OOPM course  which is under attack in this post), the CS 101 course certainly ends up trying to also introduce the basics of programming (because the lecturer thought he/she should). Here is why I think this is wrong and I apologize for coming forward so late: Teaching the trivial level of programming ("getting you going with for-loops and such" :-)) just doesn't belong at the university. Maybe it never belonged there, but it certainly doesn't belong there anymore (for like 10-20 years) because it is just such a basic skill and there is so much guidance out there (Youtube etc.) that a contemporary student wanting to study CS must (or should) simply be beyond the...