Lambdas Query with Reason
I will be visiting Simon Thompson and the PLAS seminar organized by Olaf Chitil at University of Kent on 15 Oct 2018. Speaker Ralf Lämmel , Facebook London and University of Koblenz-Landau (on leave) Title Lambdas Query with Reason Abstract Much of the Big Data hype focuses on the size of data and on the use of ML/AI to get something out of the data and on the programming technologies and infrastructure to deal with size, ML, and AI. Our research focuses on a complementary problem: the ontological semantics of data and how to use it for querying data programmatically and to help programmers in the tradition of static typing. In this talk, I present two strongly connected pieces of work: i) $\lambda_{\mathit{DL}}$ -- a lambda calculus with description logic-aware type system and means of querying semantic data ('triples'); ii) a completed language integration such that description logic and a subset of the standardized Sparql language are...