My VLOEBERGHS chair 2022
VU Brussels kindly honored me with the VLOEBERGHS CHAIR LECTURES 21/22 . I spent the week of 16-20 May 2022 in Brussels for that reason. In particular, I gave the inaugural lecture which I (eventually) titled as follows: Software knowledge analytics as a role model for making sense of the world The lecture is now available on YouTube . Camera capture didn't work in the room -- some Covid hiccup. Enjoy the slides and the audio. PDF of the slides is available, too. In the inaugural lecture and the rest of the week, I covered a good bunch of use cases : Software language usage Software technology usage Software developer profiling Work-item prediction Ownership management … I submitted these principles : Hypothesis building Set up falsifiable hypotheses together with the research questions. Lay out the theory to back up those hypotheses/RQs to be reasonable and/or challenging. Data extraction and integration Follow an empirical approach — more artifact- than subject-based. Ju...