
Software Engineering Teaching Meets LLMs

Software Engineering Teaching Meets LLMs Context: On 2023-05-26 I attended the  VERSEN  event  SEN Classrooms (26 May 2023) . (What is VERSEN? I quote from the VERSEN website: VERSEN is " the Dutch National Association for Software Engineering. Its mission is to bring together researchers, educators and practitioners in the field of software engineering ") (I haven't been in Utrecht in a while. It was great to be back. I love the campus and the science park.) My keynote presentation had the title " Software Engineering Career Planning in the Age of AGI+/- ". My slides are available here: [ .pdf ] Loads of relevant content is linked on those slides, but there is probably not much ROI from the slides alone. I want to call out though my DOs and the DON'Ts for teaching adaptation in software engineering. SE Teaching Adaptation — DON’Ts   Don’t ban the use of AI. Don’t ignore the new role of AI. Don’t grade homework likely done by LLM. Don’t aim at outsmarting th...

Wie ändert sich Lehre und Forschung an der Uni jetzt durch ChatGPT & Co. und bald durch Artificial General Intelligence?

Ich  (Ralf Lämmel) habe mich registriert für das TransferBarCamp an der Uni Koblenz am 13.03.23 (eine Un konferenz). Das wird ganz sicherlich ein sehr interessanter Tag. Das TransferBarcamp ist nicht nur für Uni-Angehörige (Studierende und Lehrende und Forschende an der Uni Koblenz) gedacht, es gibt auch viele Teilnehmer aus der Region -- aus Industrie und Verwaltung usw. Ich schlage eine Session für die Unkonferenz vor: Wie ändert sich Lehre und Forschung an der Uni jetzt durch ChatGPT & Co. und bald durch Artificial General Intelligence?   Vorschläge zum Ablauf der Session Die Teilgeber reflektieren zu detaillierten Fragen zum Thema. Initialer Fragenkatalog Die Teilgeber werden diesen Katalog anpassen bzw. ergänzen. Was sind die Ängste vor der KI? Je nach Statusgruppe: Ängste bei den Studierenden. Ängste bei den Lehrenden. Ängste bei den Forschenden. Ängste bei weiteren Uni-Angehörigen -- z.B.: Sekretärinnen in der Verwaltung in zentralen Einrichtungen Sind die folge...

Artificial General Intelligence obsoletes Software Reverse/Re-Engineering research as we know it!?

This week I am going to sit on a panel on the broader topic of “ the future of software re-engineering ”, as part of  WSRE 2023  -- a German workshop on software (reverse and) re-engineering. I decided to label my “impulse presentation” with the dramatic and provocative (?) title “ Artificial General Intelligence obsoletes software reverse/re-engineering research as we know it!? ”. In preparing this panel function, I was actually limiting myself to language models such as ChatGPT and didn't really think too much about AGI. So let's continue with a more appropriate title: “ Language models support software reverse/re-engineering research! ” This claim can be substantiated with the help of a few ChatGPT chats that I designed, executed, and interpreted. The annotated logs of the chats  and my slides used at WSRE 2023 are available online. The chats are annotated to capture my “expectations” regarding my questions to the AI and my “judgments” regarding the answers by the AI....

ATEM 2007 Panel Post Rehosted

The SLE conference started essentially at MODELS 2007 with the ATEM workshop. We had an important panel back then and it was informed by a MSDN blog post which is no longer available under the same URL. So I am rehosting the content, even though there is some backup somewhere else . More on IT entropy Article  09/25/2007 I look forward a panel on "Grand Challenges in Software Language Engineering", which is going to be the closing event at  ATEM 2007 , which is the 4th International Workshop on (Software) Language Engineering (SLE). I have attended a number of panels over the years, and I find it very difficult to actually moderate a panel (no matter whether it's me or someone else). I contend that one standard problem is that you invite 4+ celebrities in the field and hope they spark off an interesting Q&A-biased panel by means of crisp introductions. What often happens is that the celebrities turn into marketing engines and roll off a longer slide deck or just keep ...

My VLOEBERGHS chair 2022

VU Brussels kindly honored me with the  VLOEBERGHS CHAIR LECTURES 21/22 . I spent the week of 16-20 May 2022 in Brussels for that reason. In particular, I gave the inaugural lecture which I (eventually) titled as follows: Software knowledge analytics as a role model for making sense of the world The lecture is now available on  YouTube . Camera capture didn't work in the room -- some Covid hiccup. Enjoy the slides and the audio. PDF of the slides is available, too. In the inaugural lecture and the rest of the week, I covered a good bunch of use cases : Software language usage Software technology usage Software developer profiling Work-item prediction Ownership management … I submitted these principles : Hypothesis building Set up falsifiable hypotheses together with the research questions. Lay out the theory to back up those hypotheses/RQs to be reasonable and/or challenging. Data extraction and integration Follow an empirical approach — more artifact- than subject-based. Ju...

Software Language Engineering FAQ

Looking forward delivering the keynote for  SLE 2019  at SPLASH 2019  in Athens. Title Software Language Engineering -- 42 Frequently Asked Questions Speaker Ralf Lämmel, Software (Language) Engineer, Facebook, Probability London Abstract See the questions below. Beware of an Easter egg. As if I knew the answers or was entitled to answer! My talk will cherry-pick from the list and deliver informed opinions. Your questions and answers will be as good as mine. On the term "software language" (SL): Q1: What is the definition of (the term) SL? Q2: What different types of SLs do exist? Q3: What are borderline examples of SLs? Q4: Why not just call it computer language? Q5: Why is such a broad notion useful? Q6: What parallels exist between software and natural languages? Q7: When was the term coined, by whom, and why? On the term "SL engineering" (SLE): Q8: What is the definition of SLE? Q9: How can SLE be viewed as a specialization of SE? Q1...

Lambdas Query with Reason

I will be visiting  Simon Thompson  and the  PLAS seminar  organized by  Olaf Chitil  at University of Kent on 15 Oct 2018. Speaker Ralf Lämmel , Facebook London and University of Koblenz-Landau (on leave) Title Lambdas Query with Reason Abstract Much of the Big Data hype focuses on the size of data and on the use of ML/AI to get something out of the data and on the programming technologies and infrastructure to deal with size, ML, and AI. Our research focuses on a complementary problem: the ontological semantics of data and how to use it for querying data programmatically and to help programmers in the tradition of static typing. In this talk, I present two strongly connected pieces of work: i) $\lambda_{\mathit{DL}}$ -- a lambda calculus with description logic-aware type system and means of querying semantic data ('triples'); ii) a completed language integration such that description logic and a subset of the standardized Sparql language are...