Software Language Engineering FAQ

Looking forward delivering the keynote for SLE 2019 at SPLASH 2019 in Athens.


Software Language Engineering -- 42 Frequently Asked Questions


Ralf Lämmel, Software (Language) Engineer, Facebook, Probability London


See the questions below. Beware of an Easter egg.
As if I knew the answers or was entitled to answer!
My talk will cherry-pick from the list and deliver informed opinions.
Your questions and answers will be as good as mine.

On the term "software language" (SL):
Q1: What is the definition of (the term) SL?
Q2: What different types of SLs do exist?
Q3: What are borderline examples of SLs?
Q4: Why not just call it computer language?
Q5: Why is such a broad notion useful?
Q6: What parallels exist between software and natural languages?
Q7: When was the term coined, by whom, and why?

On the term "SL engineering" (SLE):
Q8: What is the definition of SLE?
Q9: How can SLE be viewed as a specialization of SE?
Q10: What's the lifecycle of a SL?
Q11: What's the key notion of SLE? (Spoiler: "technological space")
Q12: How does SLE relate to CC, MDE, PLT, ...?
Q13: How does the "Tower of Babel" metaphor apply to SL(E)?
Q14: When was the term coined, by whom, and why?

On the "SLE conference" (sleconf):
Q15: What's the mission of sleconf?
Q16: What's the stereotypical sleconf paper?
Q17: What other conferences publish SLEish papers?
Q18: Why did we need yet another conference?
Q19: How is sleconf achieving world domination?
Q20: When will its mission be accomplished?
Q21: What happened to the position of the "cheese chair"?

On SLE research:
Q22: What problems have been solved in the last 10 years?
Q23: What are the emerging research themes (or domains)?
Q24: What are open problems in SLE?
Q25: Will we still see papers on parsing in 10 years from now?
Q26: Will ontologies and mega models play a larger role?
Q27: What's next after "Globalization" of  DSLs?
Q28: Why do we suddenly stop feeling tired once we get into bed?

On SLE education:
Q29: To what extent is SLE covered by university curricula?
Q30: How (not) to integrate SLE into a curriculum?
Q31: What are the learning objectives and acquired competences?
Q32: What's the SLE Body of Knowledge (or what should it be)?
Q33: How much of it withstands the test of time?
Q34: How to use chrestomathies in SLE education?
Q35: How to use mega models in SLE education?

On SLE in practice:
Q36: What's the career profile of an SL engineer?
Q37: What bad things happen when SLE isn't properly used?
Q38: How much SLE does Big Tech need now and in 10 years?
Q39: Will technological space travel continue to grow?
Q40: What's the relevance of SLE in the new world of ML/AI?
Q41: What technological changes, related to SLE, are happening?
Q42: How was life like before the SLE epoch started on earth?


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