A brutalized Haskell programmer

In working on a special Xmas lecture for my 1st semester course, I was going through Fritz Ruehr's "The Evolution of a Haskell Programmer" only to notice that there is no imperatively faked version that uses references. This omission could be resolved with the following code:

module Control.Pascal where

import Data.IORef

while :: IORef a -> (a -> Bool) -> IO () -> IO ()
while ref pred body = while'
while' = do
v <- readIORef ref
if (pred v)
then body >> while'
else return ()

{- ******************************* -}

import Data.IORef
import Control.Pascal

factorial n
= do
r <- newIORef 1
i <- newIORef n
while i (>0) (
readIORef i >>=
modifyIORef r . (*) >>
modifyIORef i ((+) (-1))
readIORef r

For instance:

Prelude> factorial 5


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