
Showing posts from 2013


Einträge aus dem gefälschten Tagebuch eines Zonenprogrammierers um Weihnachten '88 Ralf Lämmel, 17.12.2013, Redevorlage für eine tierisch ernste Weihnachtsfeier Vorwort Derartige Text generieren mitunter gehässige Leserkommentare, welche dann hinterfragen, wie es sein kann, dass Beamte dieses Landes ihre Zeit auf solchen Quatsch verwenden. Deswegen soll hier ich pro forma betonen, dass ich diesen Unsinn zwischen den unbezahlten Überstunden an einem Wochenende durch grobe Vernachlässigung etwaig empfohlener Schlafmengen erstellt habe. Auch möchte ich erwähnen, dass ich als geborener Ostzonenprogrammierer ja nur durch geschichtliche Verwicklungen in diesem System gelandet bin, dessen Überlegenheit ich aber allein schon an der Menge und der Qualität der verfügbaren Bananen ablesen kann. Wir versetzen uns zurück in das Jahr 1988 , also dem Jahr vor 1989, also dem Jahr vor dem Jahr, in dem die Mauer viel -- wie man so sagt. Eigentlich ist die Mauer ja erst viel später v...

Install Mac OS X Mavericks from USB

It's really easy. Why would you do it? Do it on many machines without downloading Mavericks time and again. Do it on a machine that it not working proper in terms of its Mac OS X install. Do it on a machine where you want to flatten the old Mac OS X. Do it on a machine that refuses to install in the normal way so that you like to flatten. For instance, I had a 10.6 machine where the installer would fail because the existing partition was found to be non-usable. Apparently, this is a common problem also covered by the Apple KB . My partition was a standard one, as far as I can tell. How to prepare a USB install drive? A somewhat verbose story is given elsewhere : If you know sudo , then it is trivial: Format the USB stick with Disc Utility ; call it "Untitled" say. Just download Maverick (as if you wanted to install it). Run the following sudo command that prepares the USB drive in a few minutes. sudo /Applications/Install\ OS\ X\
With two friends, I participated in a "Dinner for one" online quiz last night. Quite proud of our combined insight. Urkunde: Auswertung für den Test Dinner for one Super! Sie wissen was Miss Sophie und James jedes Jahr tun! Sie haben 10 von 10 Aufgaben richtig beantwortet. Im Durchschnitt haben die 1912 Surfer, die das Quiz gemacht haben, 6.77 richtige Antworten gegeben.   Auch das Quiz Dinner for one spielen?

Undergraduate reading material on SLE

What is SLE? You can shop around for definition attempts. ... on the websites of SLE conference series . ... in the guest editors' introduction to the IEEE TOSEM 2009 special issue on SLE . As a matter of fact, we don't have a proper, generally accepted and adopted definition. This indeed also showed at last year's SLEBOK workshop at SLE 2012. There is quite a few people (including me) who think that this needs to be fixed. On a related account, it is not even particularly clear what the core or extended set of SLE concepts would be. This makes it hard to properly cover the subject in teaching. I somehow have managed in my SLE class, but I do not claim to be very consistent and palatable as to the use of terminology (ontology) in the course. This semester's edition of my SLE course will feature reading (and corresponding presentations and discussions by the students) with one reading slot focused on basic SLE literature. I have started to collect a richly an...

Short note on syntactic sugar

Bran Selic, during his #models13 tutorial on modeling language design, mentioned the notion of "syntactic sugar" in passing, and he sort of stated, as far as I understood, that he isn't too happy with the term, as it seems to belittle those constructs; they are certainly important presumably for those who want to benefit from these constructs, for as long as we assume that the constructs do indeed capture valuable domain concepts. (Sorry if I am getting him wrong.) This got me thinking in that I wanted to hypothesize profoundly why this stuff is called "syntactic sugar". I was always assuming (and I think this is not controversial) that it simply classifies a language construct such that it can be eliminated from the language syntax by "desugaring", i.e., by a syntactic translation to core constructs. Of course, people use the term syntactic sugar in a somewhat more flexible manner. That is, they may also use it for constructs that do require a bit...

An Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography on Software Language Engineering

I am very happy to provide the keynote of OOPSLE  2013 at WCRE (The first workshop on Open and Original Problems in Software Language Engineering). Here is the title, abstract, etc. Looking forward the meeting in October in Koblenz. Greetings from Neustadt a. d. Weinstrasse. Speaker Ralf Lämmel, University of Koblenz-Landau Title An Annotated and Illustrated Bibliography on Software Language Engineering Abstract Given that OOPSLE is about open (and) original problems on software language engineering (SLE), it does make a lot of sense to look back at somewhat closed (and back then) original problems on SLE. Such look into the (rather recent) past will be provided by this talk in the form of an annotated and illustrated bibliography. Annotations take the usual form of a bit of text that is summarizing the work. Illustrations take the form of capturing terms and principle examples in a declarative language such as Prolog or Haskell. The speaker is working on such a bi...

An introduction to language processing

Summary This is an introduction to language processing. We classify components of a language definition. We classify components in language processing. We illustrate language processing for a simple language. The processing components are written in Haskell. Slides Available on  slideshare . Code Available on github . The lecture is heavily code-based. That is, we will understand language processing through Haskell-based examples. Miscellaneous This is a lecture which forms an integral part of my SLE course . I am putting this blog post up as I am guest lecturing at University of Bergen. That is, the lecture feeds into Anya Helene Bagge's SLE course . If you want to share SLE course material, please see the SLECOURSE project .

Probleme bei der Online-Buchung

Does anyone know whether is on github? I need to file an issue or send them a pull request. Ralf Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, liebes, ich konnte heute ebenso wie etwa vor 3 Wochen nicht mehr online bei buchen. (Zwischendurch habe ich nicht weiter probiert sondern bin notfalls auf einen Mietwagen umgestiegen.) In beiden Fällen wollte ich mit meiner Visa-Kreditkarte von der Deutschen Bank bezahlen, die auch in der Vergangenheit funktioniert hat. Bei allen Versuchen erhalte ich am Ende des Kaufs diese Fehlermeldung: Hinweis: Leider kann die Zahlung nicht durchgeführt werden, da die Autorisierung Ihrer Kreditkarte durch Ihre Bank fehlgeschlagen ist. Da der Autorisierungsprozess direkt zwischen Ihnen und Ihrer Bank verläuft, können wir Ihnen nicht den genauen Grund mitteilen. Bitte setzen Sie sich direkt mit Ihrer kreditkartenausgebenden Stelle in Verbindung um zu klären, woran die Autorisierung scheiterte. Ich habe heute ebenso wie vor 3 Wochen das...

Design of a functional programming class

Just arrived in Marburg for Sebastian Erdweg's PhD defense. On this occasion, I will speak about the emerging design of a functional programming class that we will start next semester in Koblenz. It uses and augments the 101companies Project in interesting ways. Regards, Ralf Title: Design of a functional programming class Abstract : In the classic model, the lecturer takes the students through aspects of functional programming (such as list processing, higher-order functions, monads) and provides slides, samples, and other resources to the students, possibly complemented by a textbook recommendation. In the proposed model, a software chrestomathy becomes the primary source of knowledge and center of activity. Relevant programming concepts, language and technology aspects are documented and associated with a rich and organized set of samples including cross-references to external resources such as textbooks, Wikipedia, and other wikis. We are preparing such a course withi...